Category: Storage Tips

December 16, 2020
‘Tis the Season to Up Your Holiday Decoration Game

Every year, the average American spends $230 just on winter holiday decorations alone—and they would probably spend much more if they had a place to put every reindeer, Santa, and silk poinsettia they fell in love with. Americans are spending more and more on decorations each year, and that’s not just due to inflation. Strands […]

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December 9, 2020
How a Storage Unit Can Help You Achieve Your NYE Goals

Everybody wants to put 2020 behind them as quickly as possible, which makes your 2021 New Year’s Eve goals the most important to date. Every year, there are Top 10 lists that rank some of the most popular resolutions—but did you know that renting a storage unit right now can help you achieve them? Here’s […]

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November 12, 2020
More Items to Never Put in Storage Units

With so many items you can safely put in storage units, it’s easy to overlook items that should never be stored. We’ve already addressed some of the most common “storage unit offenders,” but there are a few more to consider. Never store flammable materials in a storage unit. This includes a number of items like […]

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November 10, 2020
5 Things to NEVER Put in a Storage Unit

There are a lot of things you can put in a storage unit from keepsakes to inventory, musical instruments, and holiday decorations. However, there are also a few things you never want to put in a storage unit—like food. Specifically, perishable food should be kept out of storage units because it will quickly rot or […]

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October 15, 2020
Make Room FAST With Storage Units

If you’re like a lot of Americans, you thought working from home, homeschooling, and adult kids moving back in were temporary—and you can deal with clutter on a short-term basis. However, now that it’s looking like multi-generational families being under one roof is a long-term trend, it’s time to make a little more room. Take […]

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October 12, 2020
Creating a Holiday Storage Unit

If you’re one of those people who go all out for every holiday, your family, friends, and neighbors appreciate you and your enthusiasm—but you’re probably hurting for space. Every holiday season there are new decorations that you just have to have, and there’s only so much space your closets, garage, and attic can hold. There’s […]

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August 28, 2020
Kids Not Physically Returning to School? Storage Units Can Help

School is back in session in some kind of capacity depending on where you live—and in many cases, this means online learning continues. Whether your school is exclusively offering online learning or you’re just not comfortable letting your kids return physically to school as the pandemic continues, the reality is that summer is over and […]

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