Beat the Heat: Summer Storage Solutions for Your Valuables

Beat the Heat Summer Storage Solutions for Your Valuables

As summer temperatures rise, it's critical to examine how the heat may influence the objects we store. Whether you're storing antiques, electronics, or family treasures, rising temps can do serious damage if necessary safeguards are not taken. This blog will walk you through key summer storage alternatives to keep your possessions safe and secure throughout the hottest months of the year.

Importance of Climate Control in Storage Units

When it comes to storing valuables, not all storage units are the same. One of the most important aspects to look for is climate control. Climate-controlled storage facilities maintain a steady temperature and humidity level, which is essential to avoiding harm to delicate materials.

Climate-controlled storage units protect against temperature variations, maintain ideal humidity levels, and keep electronics in good working order. Extreme heat can deform, break, and melt materials such as wood, plastic, and metal, while climate control maintains a constant environment, preventing such damage. Excess humidity can cause mold, mildew, and rust, particularly on organic materials such as paper, fabric, and leather; however, managed humidity levels can help prevent these problems. Electronics are very sensitive to heat and humidity, and a climate-controlled unit can assist maintain the integrity of your equipment and keep internal components from malfunctioning.

Best Practices for Packing Items Sensitive to Temperature

Proper packing is equally vital as selecting the correct storage container. Here are some best practices for packing temperature-sensitive objects so they can withstand the summer heat:

1. Use Quality Packing Materials:

  • Sturdy Boxes: Opt for heavy-duty, double-walled boxes that offer extra protection.
  • Bubble Wrap and Padding: Wrap fragile items in bubble wrap and use padding to fill any empty spaces in the boxes to prevent shifting and breakage.
  • Plastic Bins: For items highly sensitive to moisture, consider using plastic bins with tight-fitting lids.

2. Store Items Off the Ground:

  • Use pallets or shelving to keep your boxes and items off the floor. This not only protects against potential flooding but also allows for better air circulation around your belongings.

3. Label and Organize:

  • Clearly label all boxes with their contents and any specific handling instructions. This makes it easier to locate items and ensures that fragile or sensitive items are handled with care.

Security Measures for Long-Term Storage During Summer Months

Summer is a popular time for break-ins because of increased travel and extended times when properties may be left unattended. Ensuring that your storage facility has strong security features is critical for the safety of your belongings.

Look for key safety elements such as 24 hour surveillance, access control, and on-site administration. Facilities with gated entrance and individual unit alarms add an added degree of protection, enabling only authorized personnel and renters to enter. Storage facilities with on-site managers may provide fast assistance and add a human touch to security, making it more difficult for unauthorized individuals to access the units.

Consider investing in a good lock, such as a disc or cylinder lock, which are more resistant to tampering. Keep a complete inventory of all stored items, including images and serial numbers if appropriate. This can be extremely useful in the event of a theft or loss. Make sure your storage unit and its contents are insured by insurance. Check with your storage facility and your home insurance carrier to see what is covered, and consider adding more coverage if necessary.

You can beat the heat and make sure that your possessions are safe and secure at Oquirrh View Storage by using these summer storage alternatives. Protecting your belongings from the severe summer weather requires careful packing, strict security protocols, and climate control. 

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